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Can you do mold removal yourself?

Peeling away wallpaper to reveal mold on a wall.

The Important Task of Removing Mold

Living in Florida, a state that is primarily considered coastal, can be wonderful. It’s almost like year-round vacationing! Unfortunately, there are things that occur that can make it not the best vacation spot too, like hurricanes and rain. Along with that rain comes humidity, and that often leaves behind mold. Removal of mold is important for many reasons, and that is what we’re going to discuss today – Mold Removal

There are home remedies that will remove surface mold, like cleaning with household bleach. However, when the mold is more entrenched, it takes the experience of a company that knows how to do mold removal in homes and get deep into the structure if needed. Mold removal is serious because of the consequences it can lead to for health and structures. 

Is mold removal safe?

No, which is why it is always best to have a professional mold removal service do the job. However, if it is a small, contained area, with special precautions you can do your own mold removal. But remember that even a minimal amount of mold exposure during the mold removal process can create health issues like: 

  • Chronic coughing/sneezing
  • Respiratory infections and irritation
  • Skin disorders and rashes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Internal bleeding
  • Nose bleeds

If the mold is on the drywall but not entrenched into the framing and structure, the following are steps you can do for mold removal on drywalls that are painted. There are some cases in which coated or painted drywall can be easily cleaned with a product purchased at your home improvement store. Steps for mold removal from painted drywall are: 

Step One: Select a cleaning agent that kills mold

What kills mold without bleach? Any of the following options can be used as cleaning agents that don’t include bleach. Depending on how severe the mold problem is though, these chemical and natural alternatives for DIY mold removal may not be enough. 

  • Baking Soda: This is a common ingredient in your kitchen that can be used for a number of things and is all natural. Mix baking soda with water in a 1:5 ratio and it will make a mild and safe cleanser. 
  • Vinegar: Another common ingredient in most kitchens, mix an even ratio of vinegar with water for an all-natural and safe cleaner even with children and pets around, but deadly for mold.
  • Detergents: Follow the label directions and most detergents make a safe mold removal product. 
  • Bleach: Most people want to avoid bleach because of the fumes, but it is one of the strongest things you can use for mold removal. Mixing bleach and water in a 1:3 ratio is a strong solution that will do the job in many cases. 

Step Two: Fill spray bottle with selected cleaning solution 

Step Three: Ventilate and Protect 

  • Make sure the room you’re performing your mold removal in is well ventilated, opening all doors and windows. This is especially important if you choose the bleach method for mold removal. 
  • Prepare all the areas around where you’re doing the mold removal in case of any accidental spills of the chemicals or products you’re using. This includes moving furniture, plants, any belongings away from the area where the mold removal will be taking place. Cover the floor with a drop cloth. 

Step Four: Spray the mold area with your cleaning solution 

  • Shake the spray bottle well, then spray a small amount on the mold. Do not drench the area. You don’t want to add moisture to the problem.
  • Make sure you cover the entire molded area but not to the point it is running down the wall and spreading.

Step Five: Brushing it clean

  • With a soft bristle brush or old toothbrush, scrub the area firmly but not so that it damages the wall. Keep scrubbing until the mold is gone

Step Six: Allow the Area to Dry

  • The drying period is essential! If any moisture is left, the mold will return. Place a fan on the mold removal treated area to help the drying process. 

Step Seven: Paint the Drywall with a Stain-blocking Paint

  • Mold removal will often leave a stain. You can cover this up by painting the drywall with a stain-blocking primer and paint. 

Can mold grow back after removal?

Absolutely – it is possible for mold to return, whether you do your own mold removal or have a professional mold removal and remediation service. This is why once mold removal is complete, it is necessary to determine the cause and remove that possibility of a mold outbreak. 

Does insurance pay for mold removal?

The verbiage in every homeowner’s insurance policy is vague about answering the question “when is mold removal covered by insurance?” They don’t want to pay for mold removal, so they generally leave room to be able to deny a claim for mold removal and remediation. Most policies exclude mold damage coverage with the exception of when mold is the result of a claim that was covered, like water damage.

For example, a standard homeowners insurance policy will protect the homeowner from water damage that was caused by an accidental or sudden incident. Those incidents will include a busted water pipe or a malfunctioning AC unit.

Spraying cleaner on a moldy wall.

In Closing – The Difference Between Mold Removal vs Remediation

Mold removal physically removes all mold spores from the affected area. However, mold cannot be completely removed because it is a natural occurrence from moisture in the air. Mold remediation is the process of bringing a mold-infested property back to its natural level prior to mold attacking the area. 

Mold removal and remediation will be ineffective if the source of moisture that caused the mold isn’t addressed. This is why mold removal and waterproofing must be done at the same time. If you find yourself in need of professional mold removal in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL reach out to Restore Experts, Inc. by calling (954) 548-5613.

How to Speed up Carpet Drying

bedroom carpet

Restoring your carpet

Unless it is indoor/outdoor carpet, drying it out isn’t something you think you’ll ever be concerned with, right? After all, why would your carpet get wet? Well, accidents happen, like the bathtub overfilling or a something gets spilled, requiring the carpet to be cleaned. Then there are catastrophes like a leak in the ceiling. 

So, you see, the concern about carpet drying isn’t as far fetched as you may think. Just how long should carpet take to dry? Well, that is going to depend on why it is wet and then there are several factors to take into consideration surrounding the situation.  Carpet drying from an overfilled bathtub, or a roof leak will take a little longer than from a carpet cleaning process. 

Carpet drying depends on evaporation. This means that the moisture, which is leftover water, in the fibers must evaporate in order for the carpet drying to happen. So, dry air will get faster carpet drying and humid air will cause the carpet drying to take longer. 

If you’ve just cleaned up an overflowing bathtub and you’re asking yourself, “why won’t my carpet dry?”, it is highly likely the bathroom has little to no air ventilation. The first thing you should do to aid in carpet drying is turn on the exhaust fan. If there isn’t an exhaust fan and it isn’t cold or wet outside, open any exterior window in the bathroom. The next step is drying carpet with dehumidifier. 

Using a  dehumidifier for carpet drying will remove any moisture in the air by converting the wet air in to into water. A dehumidifier has two systems with one being the inlet that draws the damp air in and an outlet that emits dry air. When the moisture in the air converts into water, it goes into a storage tank that is emptied. Replace the tank and repeat the process. 

When dry air is emitted, the dry air evaporates more moisture, continuing the carpet drying. You should continue this process until there isn’t any moisture left in the air, which can take up to 12 hours for a 250 square foot bathroom. 

close up blue carpet

What if you don’t have access to a dehumidifier, can you dry carpet using fan?

Knowing how to use a carpet drying fan, or an air mover as they are called in the business, is key in this type of carpet drying working. Remember, this will take patience because drying carpet isn’t just a matter of drying the surface. Remember, you are drying carpet and padding too in most cases. If the padding doesn’t get dried, the carpet will never thoroughly dry.  Then you’ll have mildew, mold, and the odors that come with that issue.

An air mover, i.e., the big fan, lifts the moisture from the carpet fibers and dries the carpet fibers. When you have wet carpet, the only way for fast carpet drying is with the high speed of an air mover. Professional water extraction process will have one air mover blowing under the carpet and one blowing over the top. 

One of the best things you can do for small to medium sized areas of carpet drying to take care of is a combination of carpet drying fan with heat. The following steps will help you get your carpet drying done as quick as it can happen: 

  1. Shop Vac Extraction: Extract as much water as you can with a shop vac, using the biggest attachment first then step down to the smallest. Create a good seal with the attachment by pushing down as hard as you can.  
  2. Towel Absorbing: After extracting as much as possible with the shop vac, get a bunch of dry towels, lay one down on the wet area and walk across it to absorb more water. Remove the now wet towel, lay another dry towel, and repeat this process. Keep doing this with the towels until a towel is no longer wet after walking across it on the wet area. 
  3. Moving Air with Heat: Place a fan or a box heater in place where it is blowing warm air across the wet carpet. If you have access to a dehumidifier, place it so that it the dry air it emits is blowing over the wet carpet by the fan. Turn the ceiling fan on to the highest setting possible. 

Not all wet carpeting is soaking wet, sometimes it just moist, so how to dry moist carpet isn’t as entailed as these steps. The household wonder ingredient, baking soda, can be excellent way to dry a moist carpet, just follow these steps: 

  • Remove as much excess water as possible with dry towels or a shop vac, getting as down deep as you can into the carpet fibers. 
  • Sprinkle a large amount of baking soda over the wet area. 
  • Let the baking soda sit for up to 24 hours. The longer it sits, the more it will absorb the wet and any odor.
  • Vacuum over the whole area and either throw away the bag or empty the vacuum canister so the baking soda doesn’t clog the vacuum. 
  • Run a fan of the area of carpet that was wet for a hour or so to get any linger dampness. 

A professional service for carpet cleaning with drying will use commercial, professional carpet drying equipment that will leave your carpeting as dry as possible. It is important to ask the technician when the carpet will be safe to walk on so that footprints are left on your fresh clean carpet!  They will often provide you disposable shoes wraps to put over your shoes for a period of time. Call (954) 548-5613 today for your carpet drying in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL.

How do I clean up sewage spill?

grass and sewer lid

How do I get rid of the sewer leak smell?

When you discover you have a busted sewage line, you know you have a major problem that needs to be fixed. In addition to that busted sewer line, another problem you may need to address is sewage removal. Yes, that clogged toilet from a diaper or toy that caused the toilet to back up or cause the underground sewage line to burst has not left you with a sewage block removal and sewage odor removal. 

When those solid object get lodged into the sewage pipes, like feminine hygiene products, diapers and wipes, toys, and other non-human waste items, the don’t decompose. They sit in the sewage line and all the human waste and toilet paper get hung on them, causing a build-up of sewage water. That is the flooding you’re experiencing in your bathroom, kitchen, lawn, or under your house and that is when professional sewage removal services is needed sometimes. 

Because those busted sewage pipes and overflowing toilets leave behind sewage damage in multiple areas on multiple surfaces. Then that horrible sewage odor comes along. Any business owner or homeowner needs to do a sewage removal, and get that mess cleaned up and the odor gone, right? 

Cleaning the substance up is fairly self-explanatory, but it will take more than those “picker-upper” paper towels. What about odor though, how to get rid of that sewage odor? Well, you can keep masking it with air fresheners and scented candles, but that is all its doing is masking it. To rid the sewage odor after the sewage removal, here are 7 proven ways to try: 

  1. Sink overflow – this is a hole located across or under the faucet and accumulates bacteria, hair, soap scum, and toothpaste that produce that sewer smells. If you have hard water, it can clog up the overflow and keep it from doing its job.
  2. Wax ring – this is installed before the toilet and seals the toilet to the floor to keep water from seeping out. If the seal breaks or becomes old and stiff, sewer gas leaks out.  This can be fixed by replacing the wax ring. 
  3. Toilet base – when a toilet is installed, it should be caulked around the base along the floor. If it isn’t sewage odors will leak out and the toilet isn’t as secure to the floor as it should be. In less than an hour, you can caulk around your toilet, stop the odor, and firm the toilet in place. 
  4. Bacterial growth – drains will accumulate a build-up of soap scum and organic matter, creating an environment for bacteria to stink up your house. Baking soda and vinegar mixture will clean out that bacteria and its odor. 
  5. Unused sinks and tubs – maybe you have a guest bath that doesn’t get used? The sewer odor could be coming from the P-trap under the sink. An unused sink dries out and then sewer gas escapes through the drain and into the air. You can stop this from happening by running water in every sink or tub once a month. 
  6. Leak check –  check under sinks and water heater, anywhere that could have a small pipe leak. Even the smallest leak can become a mildewed, moldy, smell. If you don’t see anything, have a plumber inspect your home. 
  7. Garbage disposal – inside your garbage disposal is a black rubber piece that is the splash guard. Pieces of wood and other waste you put in to the disposal accumulate under that black rubber and start to smell. You can clean this with a brush by turning the splash guard inside out and gently scrub with the brush. 

No matter how much you clean and clean, with every type of cleaner you can find, sometimes, it takes professional cleaning and sewage removal. This is especially so when there is a need to remove sewage smell from carpet. 

How do you clean up raw sewage?

A sewage spill outdoors poses a threat to others besides yourself, and the environment. There are harmful pathogens in a sewage spill and immediate action is required.  First the area should be isolated and secured to keep contamination from spreading. Then preparations for clean-up should be made such as remove anything that can be cleaned and disinfected later. 

For a minor sewage spill:

  • Sprinkle garden lime liberally over the affected area until totally covered in white dust.
  • If there are thicker areas of sewage, use a rake to mix the lime with the spill.
  • Wait24 hours.
  • Shovel the contaminated lime into heavy-duty trash bags, double bagging.
  • With garden hose, wash the lime remnants off the ground.
  • With the garden hose or a sprinkler, water down the area to dilute any leftover contaminants.
  • Allow area to dry in the sun for one day to  help kill the bacteria. Do not rake it anymore until it has thoroughly dried.  
  • If there is any lime white dust still visible, water it until it dissipates. 

For a major sewage spill, or for any size sewage spill in the winter: 

  • This is too big for an individual clean  up, so connect with an approved pumper truck or a sewage clean up company. They are able to extract large amounts from the ground with a vacuum tanker.
  • Debris and solid waste left behind should be removed and placed into double bin bags and place in the garbage.

How do you dispose of sewage?

The State of Florida has over 7,700 lakes, 50,000 miles of rivers and streams, 4,500 square miles of bays and estuaries. There are countless wetlands as well and proper wastewater management is important for protection of the water quality for every citizen and visitor. For a private citizen to dispose of sewage waste properly, a list of wastewater facilities is available on the Wastewater Facility Information page.

septic system in need of cleaning

How much does it cost to clean up sewage?

An average cost is $7 per foot for clean-up and sewage removal. There are factors that can affect that price though such as: 

  • The Amount of Sewage: Yes, $7 per square foot, but how much, is there sewage removal from water required,  and what caused the sewage spill can affect this price. 
  • The Area Size: How big of an area is the sewage removal and clean up? A kitchen backup is going to be a lot less expensive than a basement flooded with sewage backup. 
  • The Time the Sewage Has Sat: Sewage has water in it, and that water will soak into anything from cabinets and flooring to the walls the longer it sits. Part of sewage removal and cleanup will be removing it from those areas where it has soaked up, how long it has had the opportunity to soak up will determine how long the clean up takes. 
  • Plumbing Repairs Needed: Whatever cause the sewage backup will need to be repaired or replaced. The bust sewer line will need to be cleaned up along with the sewage removal. 
  • Reconstruction: After the sewage removal and cleanup, there will be additional cost to repair and restore the parts of your home that have been damaged too.
  • The Material Replacement: A sewage backup can ruin a lot of things in your home and replacing those damaged things will cause the price of sewage removal and cleanup to cost more. 

Okay, so you had a small sewage back up, what’s the big deal? It was on your property; does it really matter to everyone else? Can sewage make you sick? Before we answer that, we could suggest you do a Google search about Flint Michigan.  While sewer gas isn’t toxic necessarily at low levels, chronic or high levels of exposure, have been connected to sewer gas poisoning.

The key components of sewer gas are: 

  • Ammonia: can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and a higher level is toxic to humans, associated with organ damage or death.
  • Carbon dioxide: a greenhouse gas that is safe on its own, when mixed with ammonia though, becomes flammable.
  • Hydrogen sulfide: high amounts can cause adverse symptoms, organ damage, or death.
  • Methane: extremely flammable.

Call (954) 548-5613 today for your sewage spill clean up in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL.

How do you remove smoke residue from walls?

Smoke on walls

What is considered smoke damage?

A house fire isn’t something anyone wants to experience. Not only can a home be damaged or destroyed, but personal belongings are too, and worsts of all, lives are often lost. Beyond the worse things possible though, if the home isn’t destroyed and nobody perished, the next worse thing to handle is the smoke cleanup

Smoke damage to house can be far worse than the eye can see. You can experience smoke damage without fire too, like smoke damage from fireplace. Smoke damage to houses can also come from other fires, like smoke damage from neighbor’s fire from their house or their grill, a burn pit, any number of other sources. 

Smoke damage is deemed to be anything that is has been impacted negatively by smoke. It could be nothing more than an unpleasant smell or something along the lines of a structural damage. Smoke damage isn’t all the same and each type will have different ways for smoke cleanup.  The factors that create different environment that will determine the smoke cleanup process are: 

  • Fire temperature
  • Fueling materials
  • Location of the fire

Depending on the damage type doe, the restoration and smoke cleanup will be impacted by these four types of smoke damage. 

  • A Protein Residue: This smoke damage come from kitchen fires of a low-temperature nature leaving minimal amounts of smoke, soot, or streaking. However, finished surfaces like cabinetry can be permanently discolored, but not all smoke damage is visible, but the odor is strong. If a thorough smoke cleanup isn’t done, the  unpleasant odor will intensely permeate throughout the entire structure and remain without a thorough smoke cleanup. 
  • A Dry Smoke: A fire fueled by paper or wood creates a dry smoke  because of the high temperatures it burns and how fast it spreads. After the smoke has cleared, the surfaces are covered in a light powdery substance, an easy smoke cleanup. However, it will seep into pores of everything, and the smoke smell stays. A deep smoke cleanup is needed to remove the smoke odor completely.  
  • A Wet Smoke: A low heat from a smoldering fire will create a wet smoke, typically from rubber or plastic actively burning. A distinct smell with smaller flames are thick and have black soot with a dense, sticky smoke that covers every surface in the structure. Special equipment and process is needed for the smoke cleanup from this type of fire.  
  • A Fuel or Oil: These petroleum residues aren’t commonplace in business and homes. It does create a  sticky ad thick smoke that is difficult to clean. The leftover smell is heavy and unappealing, easily noticed, destroying any type of clothing, curtains,  upholstered furniture, and other materials if not smoke cleanup and washed promptly.

Can you live in a house with smoke damage?

It isn’t recommended to remain living in the house until a thorough smoke cleanup procedure has been completed. The smoke from any object that has burned will contain carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and soot. If other items catch fire, the chemicals within them can are in absorbed and become part of the fire and smoke too. 

Smoke damage will cover the entire structure, clinging to walls, seeping into furniture, and clothing, damaging electronics, and settling into the ductwork. Once it is the ductwork, each time the HVAC system turns on, the odor will flow through the entire structure. 

steps with smoke and fire damage

Can smoke smell be removed from house?

Scented aerosols and candles will provide a temporary mask, but they will not eliminate the  odor. Ventilation will seem to remove some of the smoke smell, but is only diluting the odor, not permanently removing the smell.

For the smell to be removed completely and permanently, the source of the fire must be removed first. No matter how deep and how much we clean, if the source is still in place, the odor will stay. 

The smoke cleanup process takes determination and perseverance, and severe smoke damage will require the services of professional restoration experts. They have the equipment and techniques to completely and thoroughly perform a smoke cleanup that will leave your home fresh and clean smelling again. 

Okay, so you’ve experienced a fire in your home and there is smoke damage and you’re asking, “How do I clean my house after smoke damage?”. Next to restoration experts, the American Red Cross are experts at smoke cleanup and recommend tri-sodium phosphate  products. Following the label directions, TSP reduces smoke and other odors in fabrics. They also offer the following suggestions: 

Smoke and soot can be removed from floors, furniture, and walls, with mild detergent or soap mixed with four to six teaspoons of tri-sodium phosphate and one cup household cleaner or bleach  with one gallon of water. With clean rags and wearing rubber gloves, go over these surfaces then rinse with clear warm water and allow to dry thoroughly.

Smoke and soot odor can be removed from clothing simply by washing in bleach water and TSP if the fabric is bleach safe. If not, washing clothing in cold water with the usual laundry detergent and1 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract. Call (954) 548-5613 today for smoke damage cleaning in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL.

What Kills Black Mold?

mold removal

Can You Clean Up Mold Yourself?

Are you in desperate need of mold removal? Are you wondering whether or not you can do it yourself? In all honesty, each case will be slightly different as it pertains to the severity of mold in your household or property. For small cases, it is possible to use a few household products. These products include baking soda, vinegar, tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, and detergent. For a vinegar-based solution, you have the opportunity to use a spray bottle. There is no need to add water to the solution. You can actually spray the vinegar on the surface and leave it for an hour. However, these household solutions will not be able to thwart a significant mold infestation. That is why it is especially critical that you use a professional mold remediation company when possible.

What is the Best Product to Kill Mold?

There are many different products available on the market that help kill mold. Let’s review a few. Please read through the following list to discover more.

  • White vinegar. White vinegar is highly recommended as a way to clean, deodorize, and kill 82% of mold species. This includes black mold which can be found on porous and non-porous surfaces.
  • Baking soda. This product is effective at removing odors, relieving heartburn, and removing mold. This is accomplished by absorbing the moisture that attracts mold.
  • Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has a lot of benefits. It is an insect repellant, an antiseptic, and it is a deodorizer. It’s a safe method for removing black mold as well.

If you have a significant mold infestation in your home or property, it is essential to seek professional help. A professional mold remediation company will have effective tools and strategies for handling serious mold issues.

What Kills Black Mold?

Are you looking to get rid of black mold? While you are waiting for the professional attention of a mold remediation company, you should feel free to research the methods that are recommended for mold removal. These methods include combining one part baking soda with five parts distilled white vinegar and five parts water in a spray bottle. Additionally, you can also use a chemical-based mold mildew remover. Bleach and dish soap are also recommended.

How Do Professionals Remove Mold?

There are a number of benefits to be aware of as it pertains to professional mold remediation. A mold remediation professional will remove all water-damaged, mold-infested materials from the area. They will also clean and disinfect walls, carpet, and personal items. If the damage is too extensive, then the drywall and studs will be removed. Finally, they will vacuum with HEPA filtration. HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air filtration.

Can You Sell a House with Black Mold?

Do you have a house with black mold that you are trying to sell? While this isn’t a great reality, it is important to understand whether it is in your rights to do so. According to a leading real estate website, you have the right to sell a house “as is” with a mold infestation. However, this information must be disclosed to the buyer. When you are selling a house that has a mold infestation, then the buyer will most likely be a cash buyer. 

Will Insurance Cover Mold Removal

Are you wondering if your homeowner’s insurance will cover mold removal? The good news is that homeowners insurance will cover mold damage if the damage was caused by a “covered” peril. The list of covered perils will be itemized in your homeowner’s insurance agreement. If your mold damage was preventable or caused by something that is not established in your contract, then your insurance provider will have reason to reject your mold removal insurance claim. 

When is Mold Removal Covered by Insurance

When you need serious mold removal, it is always best to have some financial assistance when it is possible. Insurance will cover the cost of mold removal when the mold is caused by a covered peril. These perils will be listed in the terms of your homeowner’s insurance contract.

mold removal

What Mold Removal

When you need to check and see if you have mold, using a mold removal solution will provide some much-needed assistance. Mold removal solutions include undiluted white vinegar and a properly diluted bleach solution. To make a bleach solution, you will mix one cup of bleach in a gallon of water and apply it to the surface. Do not rinse. When dealing with grout, you can add a little dish soap to help it penetrate porous surfaces.

What is a Mold Removal Fogger

A mold removal fogger produces a mist of antimicrobial and odor-controlling solution that is specifically designed for mold remediation.

When you need mold removal in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, you can count on us to make the difference you need. Please reach out to us to schedule an appointment. You can reach us at (954) 548-5613 today!

Is it dangerous to clean up mouse droppings?

mouse outside

Can you get sick from mice in your house?

They may be cute on a carton like Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse, but when they are scampering through your house, they are not so cute! In fact, it is rather disgusting when you find rodent dropping under the kitchen sink or in the laundry room. 

This time of the year when we’re getting our holiday decorations down from the attic, finding rodent droppings in attic is a common surprise that no homeowner wants. The first thing most people do is call an exterminator or start setting out poison and traps. With mice and mice droppings everywhere comes diseases and germs and more diseases. 

The common mouse that we find in our homes or find signs of them by rodent droppings in house spread disease that can make a human extremely ill. Disease like hantavirus, listeria, and salmonellosis, all come from these critters and their droppings and can be deadly if an infestation takes hold of your home. Other facts you may not know about rodents and rodent droppings are: 

  • Quick Breeders: With those rodent droppings and diseases that come with them will spread fast because they breed fast. If you see one mouse, you can be sure there are others in your house too. Mice breed all year long and just one female mouse has as many as ten liters a year, each liter having as many as eight more mice. Within 90 days, you could have as many as 60 mice rampant in your home. 
  • Destructive: Believe it or not, a mouse in the house can cause it to catch fire and burn. How?  Mice chew on anything and everything, from paper and plastic to concrete and wood, aluminum, drywall, rubber, and gas lines to human food and wiring. And when they get your attic and walls, that wire chewing becomes a fire hazard that you have no idea is happening, until you find rodent droppings in the attic, fireplace, under cabinets, etc. 
  • Intrusive: Mice are small and they can squeeze even smaller to fit into spaces the size of a dime. They will squeeze into cracks and holes of your foundation and find entry points in the walls, window frames, doorways, and chimneys. They come off trees onto the roof and into the attic vents and around exhaust pipes. These little critters climb, jump, and swim.
  • Appetites: As we’ve mentioned already, mice eat anything and then leave rodent droppings behind. In the kitchen they will feast on boxes of grains, including cereal, which they can devour in short time because they eat as many as twenty times a day. They nest where they feed, and they leave rodent droppings where they nest and feed. Yes, mice are nasty. 

What if I vacuumed mouse droppings?

Cleaning up mice nesting and areas where rodent droppings are found needs to be done with the utmost care in disinfecting and sanitizing.  Do not sweep or vacuum rodent droppings, this will stir the air and release the disease ridden bacteria into the air that everyone breathes. 

Wear face masks and disposable gloves while cleaning up mice nests and rodent droppings. Spray a disinfectant over the areas then por a bleach/water mixture over the area and allow to sit for five minutes. Use paper towels to clean it up, placing the used paper towels in a plastic bag, then take directly to your outside trash. 

Reclean the area again with bleach/water mixture and paper towels. You cannot be too cautious in cleaning up after mice or any rodent droppings. Any human food packaging they have chewed into should be disposed of immediately.

Does vinegar disinfect mouse droppings?

It is the next best thing to using household bleach and water. If you don’t have bleach available, white vinegar mixed with water in the same ratio will suffice, again using a spray disinfectant, masks, and disposable gloves. Take the same precautions as described above in removing mice nesting and rodent droppings. 

How long does virus live in mouse droppings?

Hantaviruses is the strongest disease and virus that comes from rodent droppings and has a lifespan up to three days when in a viable environment of normal room temperature. The sun’s  ultraviolet rays kill this disease and virus, but the best defense is PREVENTION. Rodent control is as important to your family’s health as anything else. Keeping rodent infestations eliminated and rodent droppings cleaned up is essential for a healthy home. 

mouse looking at food on dirty plate

Do mice pee where they poop?

Mice do not stop at Stuckey’s on the way to your house to potty.  Mice are constantly chewing on things and that chewing produces pee and poop as soon as they consume it. All the time and anywhere they are, they will relieve themselves while they are chewing. They build nest and then defecate in it too; it doesn’t bother them, and this is only one reason why they are a disease carrying critter. 

Accumulations of rodent droppings and the urine that comes with it contain a variety of allergens and disease that become airborne then inhaled by humans when their nesting site is disturbed.  Fortunately, here in North America, there hasn’t been any evidence of cross-contamination between humans who have been infected with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Need help with rodent dropping removal from your home? Call (954) 548-5613 today!

Who Does Crime Scene Cleanup?

A Man in Personal Protective Equipment.

Who does crime scene cleanup?

In the aftermath of a crime cleanup is often required. This primarily means cleaning up blood or other bodily fluids on property where a crime is involved. Because blood, body fluids, and other infectious materials are often involved, crime scene cleanup requires trained professionals to do the job. These professionals can be employed by companies dedicated to cleaning up crime scenes or by restoration companies with a department dedicated to these activities or to biohazard remediation services in general. Biohazard remediation could involve any type of cleanup ranging from cleaning after accidents to unattended deaths. When a crime has occurred on your property and you need expert crime scene cleanup in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, you can always count on the team at Restore Experts, Inc.. Find out how we can help get your property cleaned up by calling (954) 548-5613.

What are the crime scene cleanup requirements?

Crime scene cleanup companies have no industry licenses to perform cleanup, but, depending on the state and city where the business is located, a variety of permits and licenses must be held. Typically, the required permits and licenses include:

  • Permit for medical waste transport
  • Registration for biohazardous medical waste transporter
  • Registration for biomedical waste transporter
  • Permit for trauma scene waste practitioner  
  • Permit for infectious waste transport
  • Certificate for hazardous waste transport license
  • Cleanup crews also have to uphold OSHA standards

Crime scene cleaner education requirements

If you want to work for a crime scene cleanup service, you just need a high school diploma or GED, as far as education goes. Most training is provided on the job, but cleanup and restoration companies generally require their employees to obtain a variety of certificates and licenses. Among the licenses and certifications will be bloodborne and airborne pathogen certification, hazardous materials transportation, and hazardous materials waste generation. Extensive training is also provided on personal protective equipment. Sometimes, those who start these businesses or who work for them have paramedic or first responder training. Because cleanup is often strenuous, it helps to be physically fit.

Crime scene cleanup how to get started

Crime scene cleanup businesses are in demand, especially in larger cities. In addition to everything you would need to start any other small business, to start a cleanup business, you’re going to need quite a few biohazardous materials cleanup certifications such as certifications and training in how to manage bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials. You’re also going to need training on how to use personal protective equipment and how to transport hazardous materials. You may need to acquire trucks or vans or special equipment to transport such material. Moreover, you’re going to have to hire and train employees and make certain they have all the certifications they need to do the job correctly and safely. Although TV shows and movies have glamorized and popularized forensic cleanup, it might be hard to find and retain employees because of the nature of the business. These are not jobs for the faint of heart or stomach.   

Who pays for a crime scene cleanup?

Most of the time, the person responsible for paying for crime scene cleanup is the owner of the property where the crime occurred. Because of this, many people ask, “Is crime scene cleanup covered by insurance?” There is no definitive answer to this question. Much of it will depend on the insurance policy the home or business owner has. Some policies cover biohazard cleanup in special cases as when there is an unattended death or a murder has occurred. If cleanup is required in your home or business, check with your insurer to see what is covered. If coverage is available, cleanup companies will often help people file their claims. 

What chemicals are used to clean crime scenes?

Various cleaning materials are used with crime scene cleanup. Enzyme cleaners are used, for instance, to break up tissue like brain matter which often hardens after a short time. All varieties of chemical cleaners are used to sanitize and deodorize surfaces, as are devices like ozone machines and hydroxyl generators. These devices can eliminate some of the worst odors such as those left by decomposed bodies.

How is the waste from the crime scene cleanup disposed of?

Waste materials removed from a crime scene are disposed of in a variety of ways. Some cities have designated biohazardous materials drop-off facilities. Most often the material is incinerated. Some materials also require chemical disinfection, steam sterilization (autoclaving), or irradiation before being disposed of. 

Crime Scene Tape

Crime scene cleanup in my area

When a crime has occurred and you need reliable and professional crime scene cleanup in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, you can always count on the team at Restore Experts, Inc.. We offer a complete array of biohazardous material cleanup options. Learn more about how we can help or arrange a service appointment by calling (954) 548-5613.

How Do You Restore Water Damage?

water damage restoration

How Do You Restore Water Damage?

If you need water damage restoration, it will be important for you to have it performed as soon as possible. The first and most important step, upon discovery of water damage, is ascertaining the correct water restoration company to call. It will be important for a homeowner to have done some research beforehand, but a simple internet search will also yield fruitful results. After an appropriate water damage restoration company has been called, homeowners can see the water damage inspection and assessment. From thenceforth, the water removal and extraction will commence if it is necessary. Then drying and dehumidifying will be important. Cleaning and sanitization will be next, followed by restoration.

Does Homeowners Cover Mold?

Are you wondering whether or not homeowner’s insurance covers mold? The answer may surprise you. Mold coverage is not guaranteed to be covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy. That is because mold is usually only covered if it is related to a peril that is already covered in your homeowner’s insurance policy. If you do have mold damage that is caused by flooding, it would need to be covered by a separate flood insurance policy.

Who Cleans Up Water Damage?

Are you looking for water damage cleanup professionals? You are not alone. After a hurricane or a flood, it is important for homeowners to have lots of options when it comes to your disaster cleanup. If you are looking for such a company, you can easily ask a friend or neighbor for a referral to a disaster cleanup company. You can also use your smartphone or computer to conduct a search. The search terms that you will want to use are ‘water damage cleanup near me.’ If you use those search terms, you will likely come up with a lot of companies in your area. At that point, it will be important for you to review the credentials of the companies you are considering.

Does Homeowners Cover Water Damage?

If you have had sudden and accidental water damage, there is a chance that your homeowner’s insurance will cover the damages. However, it is important to consider that in standard homeowner’s insurance cases, that the insurance coverage will not cover water backup that has occurred from an outside sewer or drain.

Should You Replace Drywall if it Gets Wet?

Has your home’s drywall gotten wet? If so, it’s an unfortunate circumstance. Water damaged drywall usually needs to be replaced. If the drywall is soft or distorted, it will need to be dried and perhaps replaced. This is all because when your flooring is soaked, the wetness will wick upwards in drywall and inside of any wall cavities. Due to the devastating relationship between moisture and architectural elements, it may be necessary to remove the baseboards in order to check the total amount of water damage.

What Does Water Damage Restoration Mean

If you have water damage to your home or property, it will be urgent for you to understand what water damage restoration means. Water damage restoration is known to be a professional term to describe the process of water damage cleanup from the very first step to the last. Water restoration also goes by other names. It can be known as water remediation, water removal, water extraction, water mitigation, and finally, flood cleanup.

What is Water Damage Restoration Service

Are you wondering what water damage restoration service is? It’s important to recognize that water damage restoration service is also known as water remediation. Water remediation includes all of the following:

  • Water removal.
  • Cleaning up the water-impacted area.
  • Drying the furniture and any impacted structures. This will include any areas or furniture that are impacted by mold or mildew.
  • The final step will be restoration, which entails moving items back to where they were originally from, and repairing or replacing any architectural elements. 

Not all companies complete the entire process, so it will be important for you to review the services of the water damage company that you ultimately select.

Water Damage Restoration For

Are you wondering why water damage restoration is important? The answer is simple. Without fast water damage restoration, the areas that have been flooded in your home can pose serious health risks. That is because not only can water damage or even destroy your home, but the mold and mildew spores that accumulate due to water damage can infect your lungs and make you sick.

water damage restoration

Water Damage Restoration on Wood

If you have water-damaged wood, you will need to first remove the rotting wood. That is because wood rots quickly. The sooner you removed the water-damaged wood, the sooner you will be able to dry and save any remaining wood. After that, you can use auto filler putty and fill any holes that remain. It is always best to consult with a dignified water restoration specialist if you have any questions or need water damage remediation.

If you need water damage restoration in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, the best time to receive it is today. Please feel free to reach out to us at (954) 548-5613. We would be happy to help!

How Do You Clean Up After a Fire?

How Do You Clean Up After a Fire?

Are you in need of fire and smoke cleanup? If a fire has recently occurred in your home, it will be important for you to get the help you need. Here is a friendly walk-through of the steps that are necessary for cleanup after a fire.

  • All furniture that has been affected must be removed. If anything can be salvaged, it should be sent to a restoration authority.
  • The soot and smoke must be cleaned up from the walls. In order to clean up the remaining vestiges of the fire, it will be important to use a detergent solution that will effectively remove the soot.
  • Wallpaper will need special treatment. While it is true that washable wallpaper can be cleaned in much the same way as painted walls, it is important not to wet through the paper.
  • Ceilings can be washed last. When all the areas of the room are completely dry, they can be repainted. For this process, it may be preferable to consult a professional interior painter.
fire cleanup

Does the Smell of Smoke Ever Go Away?

If a fire has occurred in a home, it will be extremely unlikely that the smell will go away on its own. While homeowners may grow accustomed to the smell, it is important to note that simply “airing out” the home is not something that is effective. The damages and remains of a fire that has occurred in the household will need to be professionally removed and should be considered a serious issue. Home value is important, and homeowners deserve to live in a healthy, sanitary home.

Is it Safe to Sleep in a House After Smoke?

If there has been a fire in the home, you may be asking yourself as to whether or not it is safe to sleep in the home. For that answer, it’s important to consult proven studies. If the smoke and fire damage has not been properly cleaned up, the fire damage is considered a safety hazard. Soot and particles can clog up the lungs of home inhabitants. Until a professional fire and soot cleaner has visited the residence and cleaned up the remains of the fire, the home will not be considered entirely safe.

Is it Safe to Sleep in a House After a Small Fire?

Has a small fire occurred in your household? If so, you will probably want to investigate whether or not it is safe for you to continue to sleep and live in the home. Unfortunately, even if the fire is small, it will still be important to have the soot and fire damage professionally evaluated. It is always important to consider any possible health hazards when it comes to yourself and your family. Smoke damage is a huge health risk, regardless of whether the fire has occurred in multiple rooms in the home or only one.

Will You Wake Up In a Fire?

It is critical that homeowners ask themselves the hard questions in terms of fires and other possible natural disasters that can occur in and around the home. Unfortunately, the odds are that if there is a fire in your home, that the smoke will reach rooms in the home before the fire does. If family members are sleeping, there is a chance that you or your family members won’t wake up in a fire.

Fire Cleanup Companies Near Me

If you are looking for a capable fire cleanup company that is in your neighborhood, one of the best things that you can do is enter “fire cleanup companies near me” into your preferred search engine. After doing so, a list of companies that are in your area will show up on the screen. At that point, you can review the credentials of each company and select one that suits your needs.

Fire Cleanup

If you need a fire cleanup for your home or property, it may be difficult for you to find the right resources. A good fire cleanup company will be insured and have appropriate credentials for the jobs they are being tasked to do. As mentioned previously, an internet search will turn up good options. You may also want to ask a friend or neighbor for a referral.

Fire Cleanup Near Me

Are you wondering what is involved in fire damage restoration? The answer is fairly straightforward. Fire damage restoration is a process that encompasses mitigating damage, providing smoke damage cleanup, and water restoration as quickly as possible to the event date. This is because homes are fragile, and need to be cleaned up as soon as possible in order to maintain the previous stipulated value.

fire cleanup

Cleanup Fire and Water

If you need a fire and water damage cleanup company, it will be important to review their credentials as quickly and efficiently as possible. Look over the company website and give the company a call to see how quickly they can be at the residence.

When you need fire cleanup in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, the best company to call is Restore Experts, Inc.. Please give us a call at (954) 548-5613 to receive assistance today.

What Happens When Your Water Heater Bursts?

A Technician Repairs a Water Heater.

What happens when your water heater bursts?

When you have a water heater burst, you are going to have a major mess to clean up, one that can add up quickly. To prevent such a mess, you may want to know, “Why does a water heater burst?” There are three main reasons a water heater might burst, as outlined below.

  • Sediment build-up: Minerals from hard water build up in the tank over time. As the sediment builds up, it takes the water longer to heat, which, in turn, causes overheating and deterioration.  
  • A rusted or corroded tank: If the anode rod in your tank has rusted out, your tank will soon begin to rust as well. Check the anode rod every two years, and replace it if it is rusted. 
  • Internal pressure is too high: If the temperature is set too high, the temperature and pressure relief valve will release water too frequently to keep the pressure down. If the valve malfunctions or breaks, the same problem can occur. Too much pressure causes the water heater to burst. 

If your water heater does unfortunately burst, and you need immediate water heater cleanup in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, reach out to the professionals at Restore Experts, Inc.. We can be ready to help you at a moment’s notice. All you need to do is call (954) 548-5613.

What are the signs of a hot water heater going bad?

If you want to avoid a water heater burst, you want to keep an eye out for some signs the water heater is wearing out. Of course, age is one thing that will create problems for your water heater. If the water heater is more than 10 years old you may have begun to experience some problems with it, and the older it gets the more problems you may experience. All of these could add up a burst unit. One major sign you have a problem is rusty or brown water coming out of your faucets or shower. This is a sure sign that either your pipes or water heat tank are rusted. You can test the water heater by draining the tank into several five-gallon buckets. If there is rusty water in the third bucket, the tank is normally the problem.

If you are hearing rumbling noises or other odd noises coming from the tank, this usually indicates serious sediment build-up. This build-up can cause overheating, which can lead to a burst. Another sign of problems is leaking. If there is water on the tank or on the ground around the tank, you likely have a leak. Call out a plumbing professional to take a look at the unit. There may just be a loose connection or a more serious problem that could require you to replace the unit.

Can you still use water if water heater is leaking?

You can still use your water if your water heater is leaking. If your tank is leaking, however, you will want to get a plumbing professional out to check the unit. Letting a tank leak for too long could lead to a water heater burst. Having the unit repaired or replaced is a better option. While a leak may not seem serious, it not only could indicate your tank is damaged, the water could damage the area where the water heater is housed.

Is a broken water heater an emergency?

A broken water heater isn’t necessarily an emergency. In some instances, you may just need a connection tightened, while others you’ll want to get help immediately. Of course, the sooner repairs are made, the better. Letting problems go on too long can lead to costly repairs or premature replacement. If you have a water heater burst, you definitely have an emergency situation. Not only will you want to get help from a plumbing professional, but you’ll also need to get help from a clean-up service like Restore Experts, Inc.. Burst water heaters can cause serious damage to your property, including major water damage.

Whenever a burst occurs, whether a water heater burst in garage or a water heater burst in apartment or anywhere else, before help arrives to clean up the situation and make repairs, you’ll want to take action to prevent further damage. The first thing you’ll want to do is shut off the cold water supply line that connects the water heater to the main water line. The line is at the top of the water heater. You will also want to shut off the electricity or gas flow to the water heater. You can cut the power to the unit by switching off the breaker or switch off the gas line if it is gas-powered. If you shut off a gas unit, leave your home until the gas smell dissipates.

Should you drain your water heater?

Draining your water heater at least once per year is actually a good idea. This helps clear out sediment from hard water. Sediment build-up can cause your water heater to work harder and overheat, which can lead to a water heater burst. You can also drain your water heater to check to see if the tank is rusty. If, after three bucketfuls of water, the water appears rusty, your tank is rusted and will need to be replaced.

Hot water heater burst insurance

While homeowner’s insurance usually doesn’t cover flooding, you may actually be able to get help from your insurance company if your water heater bursts. As with a burst pipe, the event must come on suddenly, and by accident. If the water heater bursts because it’s aging and in disrepair, it won’t be covered by the insurance company.

A Water Heater in a Basement

Call Today

If you’ve had a water heater burst in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, the team to turn to for fast response is Restore Experts, Inc.. We can get to you for clean-up quickly. Reach out to us at (954) 548-5613 for immediate assistance.